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dPoster Lukhiar

Digitizing print posters

What is a dPoster™?

Print posters that are used in fairs. exhibits and cogresses have an elevated cost and risks, and they are often used just for one occasion. Our dPoster™ is a digital poster ready to plug&play. Content can be sent in real time or be programmed from a smartphone enabled for it. Different messages can be displayed in the same medium, and creativities can be segmented according to time and place.


There’s no need to install our dPoster™, you can just plug it in and it will be ready to use!

Attractive content
Dynamic content allows displaying and segmenting various messages in the same medium.

Real-time updates
Programming the banner is easy an immediate: you can send the content directly from your smartphone.

Many digital posters can be synchronized to segment content based on their position within a fair or time of day.



If you wish to contact us, we are always available!

Successful projects
Improving your digital signage.

Oficina Naturgy

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Children’s City


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Children’s City is an interactive educational centre based in Creek Park, Dubai (UAE) that provides games and activities that help the learning process of…

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Parkings SABA

  • España
  • dPop™

Like many other sectors, traditional car parks needed to evolve into the digital age to make their spaces more profitable. Saba had a network…

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