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Parkings SMASSA

The client

SMASSA is the Municipal Parking Company of Malaga, which has been managing 12 car parks in the city for over 30 years. Since its inception, it has been expanding its services to meet the needs of the people of Malaga and is at the forefront of management systems, while also making every effort to improve the environment.

The challenge

This client wanted to innovate in the external signage of their car parks, that is, to update the famous "P" that indicates the entrance to a car park. Currently, it is common to see signs for free or advertising spaces added to the signaling poles, even digital screens, but SMASSA wanted to take a step further and contacted luk hiar!.

The solution

With SMASSA, luk hiar! presented to the world the latest addition to our fleet of screens: the d360™. This digital screen is a revolution in external visual communication, it is a 360º screen that covers all angles of view. In this case, it does so in such a way that the classic "P" is rotating and the entrance to the car park can be located from any viewpoint. In addition, rotating information, entertainment or advertising content can be loaded. These are the first poles of their kind in operation in Spain.

Project specs

d360™: luk hiar! designed, installed, operated and maintained the first 360º digital poles in Spain. The pilot phase was completed with 2 d360™ in an SMASSA car park.
Custom luk hiar! application: To meet the needs of this client, we developed a custom application that displays the number of free spaces in real time with a color code.

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